This is an example of a 13 week old baby Chihuahua that was a T-cup. "Pinata" only lived 4 days after this
picture was taken. Notice the unusually large head, the bloated belly, the tiny feet and legs, and scrawny tail.
This sweet baby was "hypoglycemic" aka low blood sugar her whole short life.

"Pinata" died of natural causes due to the extreme dwarfism problem associated with T-cup pups. These babies
also break bones easily, and have too much open fontanel or soft spot. Often advertised for many dollars because of
their small size. Be careful not to buy one of these from anyone who promises that your puppy will weigh only 3 lbs.
when grown.
The parents of Pinata were nuetered and spayed.
Toy Chihuahua
A gorgeous baby from the "Cappichino Jerry" lineage. This is a normal baby Chihuahua.
This is "Ginobili" a perfect example of a true Chihuahua according to the standard size. Ginobili is available
for $ 475.00
OOPS! You missed me! I have gone home with my new family, boy are they spoiling me!
Teehee! I have lotsa new toys! & my very own children to play with.